Delta 8 Dosage- How Much Is Too Much?

Are you new to hemp products, especially delta 8? Maybe you#8217;re searching for the optimal dosage of delta 8? Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions, you#8217;re in the right place. In this article, you#8217;ll discover everything about the dosage and other interesting facts that you love as a hemp enthusiast? So, without beating around the bush, let#8217;s dive in.

How Much Quantity of Delta 8 Should I Consume Each Day?

Have you ever thought about the optimal dosage of the delta 8 after you purchase? Most people often take high quantities of this substance and are prone to critical illnesses. There isn#8217;t anything like optimal dosages. It works differently for everyone.

For instance, what you#8217;re experiencing after consuming 8 mg of delta 8 perhaps makes your friend feel differently. However, here are the few best tips about its dosage from the experts that you shouldn#8217;t miss out on.


Since it produces various effects on each person, here is the list of different dosages of delta 8 THC.

The new users with minimal body tolerance can take the dosage between 5 mg to 15 mg per serving. While the dosage for occasional users and daily users#8217; range between 15 mg to 45 mg and 45 mg to 150 mg per serving. Usually, daily users have a high tolerance to cannabis products. So, they can take large doses in one go.

Delta 8 THC isn#8217;t as potent compound as Delta 9 THC. So, one can take it without any hitch in moderate quantities. People consuming high amounts of THC feel sluggish and have poor cognitive abilities. Initially, take a small amount of this substance and increase the dosage based on your tolerance. Remember, don#8217;t overdose on this compound; use it until you hit the saturation point.

How To Effectively Dose Popular Delta-8 THC ProductsCBD Origin

Dosage Based On Body Weight

Body Weight Minimal And Maximum Dosage
35 kg 5 mg to 15 mg
45 kg 6 mg to 20 mg
55 kg 8 mg to 27 mg
65 kg 9 mg to 32 mg
72 kg 10 mg to 36 mg
82 kg 12 mg to 40 mg
90 kg 13 mg to 45 mg
100 kg 14 mg to 50 mg
108 kg 15 mg to 54 mg
118 kg 17 mg to 60 mg

Is The Dosage For Delta 8 And CBD The Same?

Although CBD and Delta 8 are extracted from Cannabis, both show different effects on your body. Individuals who take CBD flower or capsules experience health complications if taken in high doses. In contrast, this compound is intoxicating and produces mild health effects.

A few pieces of research state that delta 8, when used in minimal dosage, ensures health benefits. However, consuming high amounts of this compound also causes intense psychoactive symptoms. In a nutshell, one shouldn#8217;t take the CBD and delta 8 in the same dosages.

Key Takeaways

Delta 8 is one of the less risky substances that#8217;s extracted from Cannabis. In general, it shows different effects for different people. So, make sure you take the dosage based on your tolerance and body weight, as mentioned above.

Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen